


Artemis The Little Frauenkopf from the 4th century BCIn the design of the narrow eyes and the mouth with the slightly raised angles, the tradition of the Cypric sculpture of the 5th century is still repeated, but the full face is already revitalized.The hairstyle is richly designed: over the forehead, the hairstyle, starting from a middle part, is arranged in a wavy, two strands of hair pulled up from the ears are tied together to a loop on the top.The hair is divided by three vertics on the back of the head - in a fleeting version - and hangs deep into the neck.The ears are decorated with elongated, three -part ear slopes.From the original painting, traces of red on the lips and on the right eyebrow are still preserved.According to the rest of a rod -shaped object, presumably a cook, it is the head of an artemis statuette that should correspond in type and design complete specimens from the sanctuary of Pyla.The cult of the Greek hunting goddess Artemis in Cyprus is already for the 5th century BC.BC detectable and was widespread in Hellenistic and Roman times.Bernhard-Walcher u.Collection catalogs of the KHM Vol. 2, Vienna: 1999

H. 11,8 cm




450 - 400 BC


Vienna Museum


Millosicz, Georg von, Vienna;1890 purchase from the estate

Accession Number:

Antikensammlung, I 627