Our Mission

Our mission is to democratize access to the fascinating history and cultural heritage of Ancient Cyprus by collecting, preserving, and sharing all known knowledge in a way that is engaging, understandable, and free for everyone.
We strive to be the world's most comprehensive and trusted resource on Cypriot history. We are building an unparalleled repository of compendia, articles & sources on all things ancient Cypriot.

Our Projects

We have several ongoing and planned Projects:

About Alexis Drakopoulos

Hi! I am Alexis Drakopoulos - a Greek Cypriot software engineer with a passion for Cypriot antiquity.
Since a young age I have loved Archeology, however have until recently not had the time or want to delve further into it. When the time came to start learning about Ancient Cyprus, I found it exceedingly difficult.
Sources were scattered, information sparse and either locked away in academic papers that were inaccessible to most, or in out of print books that cost hundreds to purchase. So, I created this website!
AncientCyprus.com is my way of giving back to the amazing world of Cypriot archeology, and taking the research that incredibly archeologists from around the world create and bringing it to you.
Please feel free to contact me at alexis@ancientcyprus.com about any inquiries you may have. Or reach out to me on LinkedIn.