


Bird, especially vertical to slightly convex sides, clearly discontinued in the lower part and on the shoulder;short, bent edge;two opposite, sublime, horizontal loop arches on the shoulder, the base of which continues in relief along the entire length of the vertical sides of the vessel;The ring -shaped foot. The page A is divided into four fields by horizontal and vertical lines.The central main field is decorated with a bird turned to the right.It has a round, red -painted body with a double outline and has two sublime triangular wings that are filled with a linear pattern.Long, curved neck in contour lines, semicircular, feathered cock with swastika, strong, curved legs.Above the field with the bird there is a narrow field with a horizontal diamond frieze with grid pattern fulfillment.The two vertical narrow fields along each handle are decorated with linear motifs.The left field shows a vertical chain of diamonds and contains two connected diamonds with grid patterns, with six swastikas arranged symmetrically in the background.The other field is decorated with two vertical rows of horizontal zigzag lines. The page B is decorated with a horizontal chain made of three diamonds with a double contour line and filled triangular cocks, which enclose smaller diamonds with grid pattern in chessboard -like arrangement.Between the large diamonds along the lower part of this zone there are four triangles with grid pattern;Swastikas arranged symmetrically above them.Along the upper part of this zone there are three double-sided "Kamm" motifs, which are also arranged symmetrically.Horizontal ligaments of black and red color on the shoulder in the lower part of the body as well as on foot and handle.Concentric circles at the base with a red disc in the center.A.Bernhard-Walcher and others, the Cypricer Antique Collection in the KHM.Collection catalogs of the KHM Vol. 2, Vienna 1999 (V. Karageghis)

H. 18,3 cm, Dm. 12 cm


Geometric III


850 - 750 BC


Vienna Museum


Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, Konsul, Larnaka;1869 purchase

Accession Number:

Antikensammlung, V 1106