Line decor

Line decor


Liniekor the Small, Deep, Conical Bowl Has a Carinated, Flat, Slightly Convex Base and a Straight, Round Lip.A high, Slightly S-shaped curved wishbone handle is attached below the lip.Gray-Brown Painted Decoration: On the Lip a Circumambient Line, Below It on the Inside, Four Individual, Vertical Wavy Lines.The Exterior is divided into focus Fields by Four Axialy Arranged, Framed, Vertical Wavy Lines: In Each, Three parallel horizontal lines separate three Horizontal Bands with Lattaced triangles or Latticed Diamonds;On the Left Side, a Horizontal Double Zigzag Line.On the Bottom a cross, formed from Two Groups of Three in parallel lines.On the Handle, Four Groups of Three Circumambient Horizontal lines, which are cut on the narrow side by a vertical line;Strokes at the base of the handle.a.Bernhard-Walcher and others, the Cypricer Antique Collection in the KHM.Collection catalogs of the KHM Vol. 2, Vienna 1999

H. (mit Henkel) : 10,1 cmH. (Schale): 6,5 cm, Dm. 10,9 cm


Middle Bronze Age III


1725 - 1625 BC


Vienna Museum


Prehistoric department/nhm Vienna;1890 Purchase of M., without judge (Inv. 16.125);1981 exchange

Accession Number:

Antikensammlung, IV 4494