Large belly and neck amphora fragments

Large belly and neck amphora fragments


Large belly and neck amphora fragments: Lower part, rim and neck and two smaller fragment from a large belly handed White Painted III type neck Amphora with a ring base and everted rim, parts of the rim, the neck and body lost.. The handles are broad strap ones from the rim to the top of the shoulder. There are traces of matt brown semi circular painted decoration at the upper part of the exterior body and the round base is also decorated in dark brown. The rim has broad bands at and below i..In the neck zone there is a vertical panel of latticed lozenges and triangles flanked at either side of each of the handles by panels of stacked chevrons, all triple outlined The interior of the amphora has a broad bands at top of the neck and tongues at the top of the rim. The handles have zig zag painted decoration with a circular swag around the lower attachment. The neck has beeen joined together by many sherds and is in a poor condition. The overall coat of the amphora is very creamy, the clay is thick walled and heavily gritted, buff brown, evenly fired medium hard with a poorly smoothed plain finish.. The amphora has been joined together by many pieces. (Overall: 360 mm x 420 mm) - Made of Pottery Culture: Cypro-Geometric III


Geometric II


900 - 750 BC


Liverpool Museum


St Andrews University and Liverpool Museums Kouklia Expedition, Previous owner, …


Cypriot Pottery in the Liverpool Museum, S C Tsielepi, Piotr Bienkowski, 1988, P…

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