Bowl and sherds

Bowl and sherds


Bowl and sherds: A large open bowl, most of the body has been joined together by smaller sherds, three large sherds from the body and four smaller ones from the handle and the rim. One of the bowl's upright handle surviives. The bowl is painted in White Painted III, the upper part of the body just below the rim has decoration in dark brown of three panels: the central one made of vertical lozenges, filled with a cross hatched design and framed by three vertical lines on each side. The other two panels are thinner than the central one and have a design of vertical zig zag lines framed by three vertical lines on each side. The centre of the body has thick brown circular lines all along it. The handle is also painted dark brown and its shadow is reflected on the body in dark brown. The edge of the exterior rim is painted in dark brown. The interior has decoration of dark brown circular bands, two along the rim and two at the lower part. (Overall: 147 mm x 295 mm) - Made of Pottery Culture: Cypro-Geometric III


Bronze Age


3900 BC - 100 AD


Liverpool Museum


St Andrews University and Liverpool Museums Kouklia Expedition, Previous owner, …


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