Bichrome Red Figurine Jug

Bichrome Red Figurine Jug


Neck and upper body of pottery Bichrome Red IV jug with spout in form of attached figurine of a woman holding a pitcher or oinochoe; remains of upper part of ovoid body (parts restored); very tall cylindrical neck splaying upwards towards an almost trumped-shaped rim; ridge at junction of body and neck; remains of double-ribbed handle just below rim with skeuomorphic clay rivets on each side; dark red clay and slip covered in a white wash and decorated with black and white paint (other colours noted in the original now not apparent): on neck, black triangles on a white background below rim, two rows of black on white rosettes below, then a zig-zag pattern in black fringed with white dots; on the shoulder are and petals and fainter traces of other motifs (fleur-de-lys and zig-zags) now very worn. Figurine: incomplete hand-made figurine with mould-made head and chest; she wears a long chiton and himation and a conical cap (incomplete); large band above the forehead; visible hair is detailed with incisions; elaborate double necklace of round beads (pearls) hanging between breasts; red fabric with traces of white, yellow, red (cross-hatching) and green paint on the body; arms damaged and feet missing; pitcher is almost cylindrical in shape, vertical strap handle curving into the rim and a trefoil spout (mostly missing): white zig zags on the body and a back band at the junction with the main vase.

Dimensions: Height: 14.50 millimetres figurine ; Height: 17.50 centimetres max

Object Type: jug

Ware: Bichrome Red Ware (BiCh IV (VII))

Techniques: painted; slipped; wheel-made; handmade (figurine); moulded (figurine)




400 - 300 BC


British Museum



Accession Number:
