Horned Ram Figurine

Horned Ram Figurine


Terracotta figurine of a bearded man with horns, reclining on the back of an oversized ram, possibly a depiction of Zeus Ammon or Baal Hammon; hand-made with applied and tooled details on the beard; the man faces outwards with his extended right hand holding a small dish or phiale; he holds two branch-like items along his left arm; the ram has a long face with concave sides, similar to contemporary horse figurines; applied eyes and large curled horns; his tail hangs along the back right leg; made of fairly coarse buff clay; white surface accretions on the animal and the god.

Dimensions: Height: 12.90 centimetres; Length: 11.50 centimetres

Object Type: figure

Techniques: handmade


Archaic II


600 - 400 BC


British Museum


Salamis (Cyprus)

Accession Number:
