Red Polished Bottle

Red Polished Bottle


Flask or bottle in Red Polished I (Black-Topped) ware; hand-made; globular body with a round base; tall tapering neck with everted rim; pierced string holes on each side below the rim; made of fairly coarse buff clay covered with a polished slip (now very worn), fired red on the lower part and black above (though unevenly, since most of the lower body on one side is black); incised decoration with traces of lime fill: zig-zags and groups of parallel oblique strokes along the the neck, rough lozenges of parallel lines and impressed annules on the body.

Dimensions: Height: 15.50 centimetres

Object Type: bottle; flask

Ware: Red Polished Ware

Series: Red Polished I-II (north coast) (Stewart Type V A c1)

Techniques: incised; slipped; pierced; handmade; polished


Early Bronze Age II


2300 - 2100 BC


British Museum



Accession Number:
