Limestone statuette of a male votary with Cypriot shorts and a diadem

Limestone statuette of a male votary with Cypriot shorts and a diadem


Male figure wearing Cypriot loin-cloth with rosette.

Overall: 7 1/4 x 3 1/4 x 2 3/8 in. (18.4 x 8.3 x 6 cm)


Archaic II


600 - 550 BC


Metropolitan Museum of Art


Sanctuary of Golgoi-Ayios Photios


Doell, Johannes. 1873. Die Sammlung Cesnola. no. 76, p. 23, pl. III.1, St. Petersburg: L’Académie Impérial des Sciences.Cesnola, Luigi Palma di. 1885. A Descriptive Atlas of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Vol. 1. pl. LIV.348, Boston: James R. Osgood and Company.Myres, John L. 1914. Handbook of the Cesnola Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus. no. 1046a, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Höckmann, Ursula. 2004. "Werke zyprischer Bildhauer im griechischen Naukratis. Eine Kourosstatuette in Oxford." Sepulkral- und Votivdenkmäler östlicher Mittelmeergebiete (7. Jahrhundert v.Chr. - 1. Jahrhundert n.Chr.) : Kulturbegegnungen im Spannungsfeld von Akzeptanz und Resistenz : Akten des Internationalen Symposiums Mainz, 01.-03.11.2001, Renate Bol and Detlev Kreikenbom, eds. p. 66 n. 50, Mönnesee: Bibliopolis.Hermary, Antoine and Joan R. Mertens. 2013. The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art : Stone Sculpture. no. 29, p. 51, Online Publication, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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